Why Monitor Bushings?

According to statistics published by IEEE, IEC and CIGRE, bushings contribute to roughly 15-30% of transformer failures globally. In over 40% of cases, the failure resulted in catastrophic consequences such as fire, tank rupture and explosions.

The Solution

Online monitoring of bushings, through monitoring of internal insulation (capacitance / Tan Delta or Power Factor) and the internal electrical activity (Partial discharges) enables asset managers to detect a fault at its very preliminary stage, allowing action to be taken before reaching a critical and irreversible stage.

TOTUS allows for correlation and causation to determine failure modes, driving prescriptive actions.

New Brochure

The Benefit of Monitoring Partial Discharges in Bushings

TOTUS is the ONLY Transformer Monitor that can separate PD in the Bushings from PD in the Main Tank.

Field Proven

Proven in the field to detect and identify:

  • Short circuits
  • Contamination
  • Ageing
  • C2 issues
  • Arcing
  • Cavities in Resin

The TOTUS Bushing Monitor has saved over $10M in damages to bushings for our customers including RIP bushings, thanks to monitoring a combination of leakage current & partial discharges.

Case Study Access


Learn more about our bushing monitoring solution by reading our paper on 'Bushing Failure Prevention Through Online Monitoring'.

Technology Spotlight

TOTUS is the only solution to embed an online Health Index calculation combining DGA, PD & Bushing condition

Webinar Access