Key Challenges

Failures in transformer windings account for over 40% of transformer failures.

The key challenge for asset managers is finding faults in their infancy, allowing more time for decisions to be made resulting in less expensive maintenance. Manual sampling of DGA can result in delayed discovery of faults, and often faults have progressed causing DGA changes in oil.

TOTUS monitors all key areas within the main tank of the transformer and correlates data for asset managers for early fault diagnoses and detection. Featuring embedded advanced alarm management, TOTUS drives efficient maintenance scheduling for asset managers, with alerts only triggered when there is an issue with the transformer.

View our TOTUS Transformer Monitoring brochure
What we monitor call outs Main Tank What we monitor

Benefits of monitoring online DGA with TOTUS

Online monitoring enables proper condition based monitoring to drive efficiency

The TOTUS monitoring solution uses field proven Photoacoustic spectroscopy technology, engineered to provide the highest standards in safety and reliability. Our technology even has roots in the International Space Station, assuring the safety of astronauts.

View our Totus Transformer Monitor brochure

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Technology Spotlights

At Kelvatek we provide high performance asset monitoring solutions which deliver maximum accuracy and reliability for customers.

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