Navigate the future with Insights

A powerful software application developed to elevate network performance, Sapient Network Insights, provides users with unparalleled visibility of historic, current, and future load patterns across the entire network topology.

The challenge


With the transition to net-zero, Network Operators face a number of challenges in operating the network. They must have knowledge of current and predicted load patterns, be able to identify localised load growth and LCT connections, manage voltage levels all while providing enough flexibility to sustain operations.

Having full visibility of the grid from transmission to distribution is critical in addressing these challenges.


The future is clear with insights

The Sapient Network Insights application provides users with visibility of historic, current, and future load patterns across the entire network topology allowing them to manage their network more effectively and unlock capacity.

The solution provides detailed forecasting models based on long term business planning/growth forecasts and can also integrate with external forecasting models.

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The value of Sapient Network Insights


Improved visibility to inform planning and investment decisions
Access to capacity information leading to quicker and more streamlined connections process
Enterprise-grade architecture that seamlessly integrates with 3rd party systems
Tools to allow users to run 'what if' scenarios based on network arrangements and growth forecasts.
Open access to all data in line with industry wide “presumed open” data management principles
Detailed data sets to inform the investment planning process and regulatory submissions

Built by experts

The Sapient Platform

The Sapient Platform is the core data management platform shared by all of our Insights applications. The platform provides a common framework for the ingestion and processing of sensor data; data management; and the execution of advanced AI/ML models. Data can be ingested from all devices, not just Kelvatek devices, and offline data can also be imported on a periodic basis where needed.


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