Sustainability Framework

In 2021 we created the Camlin Sustainability Framework which demonstrates how we aim to fulfil our purpose ‘To Engineer Better Futures’ across the core areas of ESG.


As the energy industry drives towards unlocking a net zero future, we want to work as key partner alongside them, working to help achieve this. Given the backdrop of the COVID 19 global pandemic, we have a renewed opportunity for change with plans for a global Green Recovery. We now need to set ambitious environmental objectives to ensure we are aligned to our customers agendas and actively contributing to a de-carbonised future through our own daily operations, as well as investing in, and identifying new business opportunities that will help drive this sustainable revolution. To this end Camlin have prioritised Climate Action projects in 2021 which will set targets and a clear roadmap for transition to zero carbon operations across Camlin.

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Our Sustainability Framework Brochure

Our understanding of sustainability is deeply embedded within our purpose. Find out more.

Camlin’s Sustainability Commitment

Camlin has launched a new Sustainability Framework, which clearly articulates our priorities across the Environment, Social and Governance spheres. Peter Cunningham, Camlin CEO states ‘The COVID crisis of this last year has reminded us as a global community just how fragile our world is. Here at Camlin, we have used this as an opportunity to refocus our business by setting a new corporate strategy with a clear purpose and vision. At Camlin we exist to engineer better futures with the vision of optimising the critical infrastructures all around us. Our purpose is deeply embedded in our understanding of sustainability and it lies at the heart of our new Sustainability Framework.’

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People & Society

Our sustainability commitment recognises that people and society are central to everything we do. This means investing in our global Camlin team to ensure we provide an attractive, safe, and rewarding work environment; committing to the wider communities and societies in which we work through active civic engagement; and shaping sustainable development for society via the services and solutions we provide.

Governance and Performance

Responsible business practices form the bedrock of Camlin’s approach to its global operations, going beyond mere legal obligations to ensure we always act in an ethical manner. We will work to ensure respect for human rights across our value chain as well as strong and transparent governance mechanisms that act to reassure and build trust with our customers and stakeholders. Through our corporate strategy we will be strengthening and communicating clear governance structures, building sustainability capacity across our operations, as well as working on our supplier engagement to ensure our supply chain and procurement process is resilient.

Global Compact and UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2021 we will join the Global Compact as part of our external engagement, aligning ourselves to globally recognised standards and principles and building trust and credibility with our stakeholders. We want to achieve long term profitable growth guided by balancing positive impact whilst also aligning ourselves to the goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

You can read our full Sustainability Framework here, with clear initiatives and indicators for the coming 12 months. We will be reviewing and sharing a yearly sustainability report tracking our progress. Peter Cunningham emphasizes the importance of the journey ahead, ‘We really look forward to building our understanding of sustainability in the coming years and embedding a strong sustainability mindset and culture at Camlin, one that works hard to engineer better futures for all’.

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Camlin's Sustainability Brochure

Download and read our plans for the furure