
Camlin Energy's cloud-based service provides real-time, actionable insights that enable pre-fault diagnostics, fault location and asset health monitoring.

Optimising LV network performance and visibility

Sapient is Camlin Energy's comprehensive suite of services that provides Network Operators with round-the-clock support and unparalleled visibility of their LV networks.

Drawing on our 20-year leadership in fault management combined with our experience in load management, cable health and advanced data analytics, Sapient helps operators optimise network performance, manage customer demand and harness data-driven insights to drive significant business value.

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Sapient encompasses

  • Smart devices - collecting 24/7 fault and load information on thousands of LV circuits around the UK and transmitting this data back to our operations centre for analysis.

  • 24/7/365 technical support - with over a century of collective experience, our engineering support team analyse data from devices in the field to deliver equipment installation support, reporting, cable route entry and tailored ‘go-locate’ fault notifications to customers.

  • Unrivalled historical datasets - representing over 20 million hours of LV circuit load profiling information and 10 million instances of fault activity on LV networks captured by 25,000+ smart devices deployed in the field.

  • Advanced analytics capability - harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, we pinpoint fault behaviours in large datasets of power flow information captured from smart devices on the network.

  • Data science team - with over 50 years of collective experience, our team of engineers, physicists and software specialists unlock deep insights from network data.

  • Best-in-class hosted platform - with enterprise-grade servers, storage and security to safeguard customers’ data.

  • Multi-channel training and support capability - delivered in-person and remotely to maximise device utilisation and support best practice for successful results.

  • Reporting and visibility for operators - dashboards providing key metrics and information on device activity, fault/load information, network health and trends over time.

  • Compatibility with Network Management Systems - allowing notifications from Sapient to be seamlessly integrated into dispatch and mapping systems.


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Realise greater value from your equipment fleet

Achieving typical savings worth £1.70 per customer per annum.

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Keep customers on supply and improve quality of service

In 2020 alone, we helped over 225,000 households avoid power cuts.

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Maximise the health of LV network assets

Reducing stress on cables and joints in normal and fault operating conditions.

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Manage faults before they go permanent

Contributing to a 338,000 hour reduction in the time customers are off supply.

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Greater network visibility

Detect evolving power flow trends, LCT presence and other network behaviours to identify developing problems.

Coral expertise

Support goals for sustainability

Provide visibility of LV asset health, load and losses, enabling Network Operators to plan cost effectively for Net Zero.

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Exceed regulatory obligations

Assist Network Operators in exceeding their IIS targets by leveraging our pre and post-fault technologies.


Help staff work safely & efficiently

Information provided helps operators follow best practice on fault location and reduces excavation.

What do our customers say?

We recently surveyed users of Sapient, with 100% of respondents agreeing that Sapient helps them do their job more efficiently.

View the full survey results here

Experience in action

Supporting Network Operators

We’ve been working in collaboration with Network Operators across the UK & Ireland for over two decades to support their strategic goals and help them pivot successfully to a low carbon future.

UKPN Colour Northern Powergrid Colour Electricity North West Colour SP Energy Networks Colour Westhern Power Distribution Colour Northern Ireland Electricity Network Colour Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Colour

Driving your performance

We’re enabling clients to achieve more with their networks, today and tomorrow. As your trusted partner we’ll help support operational best practice, realise greater value from your equipment fleet and deliver tangible cost savings.

Discover how we can help to drive your performance

Interested in finding out more about Sapient?

To find out more information about Sapient and how it can optimise the performance of your networks, please complete this form.