Monitoring Online Transformer Bushings: why is it so important ?

According to statistics published by IEEE, IEC and CIGRE, bushings contribute to roughly 15-30% of power transformer failures globally.

In over 40% of cases the transformer failure resulted in catastrophic consequences such as fire, tank rupture and explosions. CIGRE TB 755 reports:

  • bushings cause 5% to 50%, of transformer failures

  • bushing failures are the most common cause of transformer fires and can cause huge collateral damage in the switchyard

  • 30% of generator step-up transformer failures are caused by a bushing malfunction

"Monitoring of Partial Discharges can be easy to apply and understand, if put in the right context.
Correlation of PD with other parameters can help provide more accurate prescriptive actions and decision making."

Dr Marco Tozzi, Senior Product Manager, Camlin Energy

What we monitor call outs Bushings what we monitor

Minimize the Risk to Transformer Bushings with TOTUS

Resin Impregnated Paper Bushings (RIP)

RIP bushings are made with a void-free impregnation process, designed for a Partial Discharge free operation. However, a combination of extraordinary operating and external events can result in PD in the bushings.

The resin material is not able to withstand the PD activity and will lead to fast degradation and short circuit.

Monitoring PD within the bushings is critical and allows early detection of faults, allowing for fast diagnoses and action. The Image to left shows PD trending in bushings on a RIP bushing.

Resin Impregnated Paper bushings Website 817 x 460

Partial Discharge Monitoring: are you doing it right?

Early detection of partial discharge can significantly improve risk diagnosis, driving quicker accurate decision making.

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