Transformer Monitoring with TOTUS
TOTUS gives a clear picture of transformer health, reducing the risk of unplanned outages, enhancing maintenance strategies and maximizing operational efficiency.
TOTUS gives a clear picture of transformer health, reducing the risk of unplanned outages, enhancing maintenance strategies and maximizing operational efficiency.
With lengthening and unprecedented lead times for large power transformers, it’s now more important than ever to monitor the health and performance of existing assets.
The TOTUS Transformer Monitor from Camlin Energy is the only monitoring unit to integrate DGA, Partial Discharge, Bushing Monitoring, Through Fault Currents and Transformer Analytics into a single system.
TOTUS gives you a comprehensive understanding of the risk profile of transformers throughout their operational life.
Installations More than 1,700 TOTUS units installed worldwide.
Cost Savings More than $10M in damages to bushings avoided thanks to monitoring by TOTUS.
As standard, every TOTUS Transformer Monitor has access to TOTUSPRO Web, Camlin Energy's online server with advanced diagnostics and a graphical and easy-to-read information display. TOTUSPRO capability can be enhanced, depending on maintenance strategies.
TOTUSPRO Desktop is an optional expert tool with the ability to import offline data for deeper investigation into failure modes.
TOTUSPRO Access provides asset managers with a full fleet view. Our software suite of products consolidates data from our hardware devices to provide a clear picture of asset health and fleet health, reducing unplanned shutdowns, boosting production and increasing operational efficiency.
Embedded in TOTUS Transformer Monitor. Provides key insights into asset condition.
Provides deeper analysis on failure modes and customizable widgets. Can import data from offline archives.
Allows Asset Managers to manage assets and make decisions across the entire transformer fleet.
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Our comprehensive range of services help customers to generate sustained value from monitoring equipment.
Camlin Energy customers have direct access to our unique expert knowledge on transformers and related monitoring solutions. We provide focused seminars and training to our customers, aimed at driving knowledge sharing and informing best practice.
Our Condition Assessment Service combines online monitoring data with on-site inspection, lab analysis and other offline information. We’ll help you build a complete picture of asset health, producing actionable insights to reduce the risk of transformer failure.
Our Global Services Department works with customers from product conception to installation, offering support and aftercare:
To find out more information about our solutions and services, please complete this enquiry form and our representative in Scandinavia will contact you.